Konichiwa, future Sushi-masters; I hereby bring you the Japan visa requirements. Applying for visas is a nightmare in general, and one of the purposes of the schengen visa flight reservation blog is to make this process a little easier for you.
Yeah. We’re pretty cool that way.
Our main service at schengen visa flight reservation is our 100 % refundable flight and hotel bookings for your visa applications, but in addition to that we are also doing our best collect visa requirements for all countries, and gathering that information in short, easy-to-understand articles, so that YOU don’t have to.
Yes. Yes. We are saints!
Over to the Japan visa requirements. All our endless hours of googling to find the latest rules and made-on-a-whim-regulations of various countries, making bullet points, organizing and systemizing; is all for your convenience (and so that you’ll like us and tell all your friends).
With 194 to 196 countries in the world as we speak (all depending on what is currently counted as an official “country”), yours truly has a lot of late nights and espresso shots ahead. So let’s get started with the next country on our list of Visa Requirement Articles; Japan!
As with all other countries, Japan visa requirements include having to present hotel and flight bookings for those NOT eligible for visa on arrival. Unfortunately, we can’t make a unique article for each nationality, so first thing on your to-do-list is to call your Japanese Embassy or do a quick Google search to see if you need to apply in advance, or if you can just rock up at Tokyo Narita Airport, throw your passport on the desk and say “Sushi!”
Seriously though, don’t do that. The Japanese are known for their strict manners and prudent politeness, so any such joke might just get you thrown out. Instead, you’re better off bowing your head politely, folding your hands and saying… “Saké”
Now let’s get to business about Japan visa requirements.
First off; to check whether you need a visa or NOT, one of the best sites to do an easy search is www.visahq.com. Just type in your nationality and destination country, and voilá – you’ll see your visa requirements faster than you can say sashimi.
Important! Even if you ARE eligible for visa on arrival, you are still required to have an onward ticket – see point 3 below!
For those travelers who DO need to apply for a tourist visa (for example Chinese nationals, Russians, Filipinos); below you’ll find the list of requirements compiled by yours truly (naturally, this list is as amazing as myself). Get these boxes checked, and you’re ready to go!
- PASSPORT VALIDITY: I might just write an article on what EVERYONE needs for EVERY visa application one of these days, as your passport MUST be valid for at least 6 months, and have enough (2 or more) blank pages for entry stamps. Yes, I know you love your old, impressively stamp filled, nostalgic, Instagram-worthy passport. CHANGE IT.
- Visa Processing Times: Usually minimum 3 days, I would never send it in later than a week before departure, and to be sure I recommend everyone to do it 3-4 weeks in advance. You never know when an embassy is going to be randomly closed because it’s National Sushi Day, or your new passport says “Birthplace Unknown” because you were born abroad and now you need to find your birth certificate which got lost when you moved 10 years ago. Like, trust me. It’s happened.
- Proof of onward ticket – This is required of ALL nationalities, and by most countries! You’ll be asked about this as you check in for your flight to Japan, and possibly denied boarding if you don’t have it. If you don’t know where you want to go after Japan yet; just book an authentic, but refundable and cancellable flight booking to anywhere at schengen visa flight reservation for $15.
Yes, I know. We’re amazing.
- Have a clean criminal record – if you don’t, you might be denied entry, and it’s part of the Japan visa requirements.
- Proof of sufficient funds – there is no concrete rule as to how much is “sufficient”; the longer you stay, the more you need. Call your embassy if you’re unsure.
- 2 passport photos, 2×2 inches (51mm x 51 mm) and a filled out application form. The application form will depend on your nationality, and you’ll find it at the Japanese Embassy’s website in your respective country. Quick links:
Russians: Ru.emb-japan
Chinese: Cn.emb-japan
Filippinos: Ph.emb-japan
So there you have it!
Japan grants Visa On Arrival for most nationalities, but with 1,3 billion residents in China alone, there are a few of you that do need to apply. Dress formally for your meeting at the embassy, be polite and have the necessary documents; and you’ll be fine with meeting your Japan visa requirements.
Happy Travels!